Client Attraction and Retention
13 Questions to Help You Keep More Clients
Unless you’re the odd one out, your salon or spa is probably losing clients without even noticing them slip away. Today, there is a great deal of competition for the same clients, and unfortunately, client loyalty is not what it used to be. This isn’t always because salons were better back in the day, but more likely because there were simply...
How to Easily Get More Online Reviews (and more clients) for Your Salon or Spa
If you’re in business and have never given online reviews much consideration, it’s definitely time to do so. Generating positive client reviews on platforms such as Google and Facebook can have a major impact on your new client acquisition, with 85% of consumers trusting online reviews as if they were a personal recommendation! With this...
Blogging for Your Beauty Biz
As a salon or spa owner, you probably think that blogging doesn't belong in your world. I'm here to tell you that you're wrong. Blogging is about sharing your expertise and establishing yourself as the go-to industry expert in your field. It's also about helping your website's search engine optimisation, and considering your website is the...
The Small Changes That Bring Big Results in Your Salon or Spa
Sometimes it can be disheartening when your business is floundering and you don’t know what to do to fix it. Where do you start? What’s going to make the most difference in the shortest amount of time? The truth is that your business may need something entirely different from another person’s business to get it back on the right path. And the...
6 Easy Ways to Grow Your Salon or Spa Business
It's not good enough to just go from day to day making a basic living from your salon or spa. Each day should be taking you a little closer to the business you dreamed of having, but that doesn't happen by accident. As the saying goes... 'If you're not prepared to change what your doing, don't expect anything else to change'. Having said that,...
How to Deal with No-Show Clients in Your Spa
No-show clients can leave you feeling like you want to pull your hair out on your good days, and completely throw in the towel on your bad days. They’re the bane of nearly every salon and spa owner’s life, and to top things off, the problem seems to be getting worse and not better. In this article, let’s take a look at why no-shows happen and...
Is It Ever Too Late To Woo Back a Missing Salon Client?
Missing Salon and Spa Clients How long is too long when it comes to trying to woo back a missing salon or spa client? That’s a really tricky question, but let’s take a look and see what can be done. To be honest, I’m all for an optimistic approach to re-activating a missing client. After all, what harm can you do? The worst-case scenario is that...
5 Essential Strategies to Generate More Salon Profit
I’m often asked this question by salon and spa owners, ‘How can I increase my revenue (turnover)?’ In fact, if staying in business and taking home a decent personal wage are the goals, the question should actually be ‘How can I make more profit in my business without working any harder than I already do?’ Almost every salon or spa owner I’ve met...
13 Ways to Keep Your Salon and Spa Clients Returning
Unless you’re the odd one out, your salon or spa is probably losing clients without even noticing them slip away. Today, there is a great deal of competition for the same clients, and unfortunately, client loyalty is not what it used to be. This isn’t always because salons were better back in the day, but more likely because there were simply...
How Blogging Can Attract New Clients to Your Salon or Spa
First, let’s clear up any confusion about what a blog actually is. According to most dictionaries, a blog is simply a Weblog or online diary. When I first heard about blogging many years ago, I remember thinking “Who wants to read stuff from something called a blog?” It all sounded a bit iffy to me at the time, but many years later I’ve embraced...
132 Lost Clients
What would you do if you found out you had lost the opportunity to gain 132 new salon clients? Personally, I'd be devastated. So, let me tell you a true story about something that happened to me recently. Late last year, I ordered 8 cushion inserts online. I ordered these particular inserts for 2 reasons:...
When New Clients Matter Most to your Salon or Spa
Are you stuck in a permanent client attraction frenzy? If you are, then let me assure you that you're not alone. Most salon owners are continuously on the hunt for new clients, which begs the question, "What happened to all the previous clients that have patronised your business in the past?". But, I won't get too deeply into that because I've...
Why Gaining New Salon Clients Isn’t Always the Solution to Your Problems
My coaching clients are encouraged to ask me as many questions as they want to find a solution to their problems. Probably the top question I get asked is “How can I get more new clients?”. I must admit I find this question a little frustrating. Not because the salon wouldn’t benefit from new clients, but...
Double Your Salon Profits Through Better Client Retention
Given the choice, most salon and spa owners will jump at the opportunity to learn how to attract more clients into their business. After all, that's how their salons will grow, right? In fact, this isn't the case at all for most salons I've worked with. Each time I work with a new salon or spa owner, and I ask them what their business goals are,...
Super Simple Strategies to Keep Your Salon Clients Returning.
Clients disappear from your salon for all sorts of reasons. Some things you can't do anything about (like clients who move interstate or die), but other solutions, which can be incredibly simple, are often overlooked. Replacing lost clients is actually one of the biggest expenses in any salon. Did you know it costs at least 5 times more to get...
It’s the Little Things That Can Matter the Most
I've just experienced six fabulous weeks touring part of the globe, and I've had some interesting customer service experiences. Some places had fabulous surroundings and ordinary customer service, others had the reverse, and some managed to achieve top marks in both areas. The one thing that really stood out, however, wasn't the 'place' but the...
Are Online Spa Bookings Your Friend or Foe?
As with most things in life, on-line booking systems have their upsides and downsides. If you're considering introducing an on-line booking system in the hope of simplifying things in your salon or spa, then it’s good to be first aware of how it may impact on your business, both positively and negatively. But, let’s take a look at the positives...
How To Stay Sane And In Control Around Thorny Clients
We’ve all had them. Those clients that drive you crazy, because they either show up late, don’t show at all or complain about every treatment they receive. Do you really want to keep them? Or more importantly, do you really need to keep them? Unfortunately, there’s so simple answer to that question. The fact is that some clients are worth a bit...
11 Strategies on How To Make A Jolly Good Profit This Festive Season.
Christmas! Love it or hate it, it turns up on your doorstep every 12 months and turns your life into one big stress-fest. Every client you've seen over the past 12 months seems to want an appointment in the 2 weeks prior to the arrival of Saint Nick, and of course, you try to fit everyone in with a smile, multiple cans of Red Bull, and a few...
Is Your Professional Image on Social Media Affecting Your Salon?
Salon owners are often heard to comment "My clients don't treat me like I'm a professional". This is an interesting comment because it's made with the assumption that the problem lies with the clients. Let me assure you - it doesn't. If your clients are disrespectful towards you, are not treating you like a professional and you want to know why...
Salon Newsletters – Your Friend or Foe?
Most salon and spa owners agree that they should do a salon newsletter and that they should do it more often. The thing is, sometimes they're not sure why, how or what to say, so they end up doing nothing. If you think about what it takes to write a great newsletter, you have to ask yourself, "Is it really worth the time and effort it's going to...
5 Things Clients Might Hate About Your Salon Or Spa
It's so easy to get comfortable in your day-to-day routine. As a matter of fact, sometimes you can get so comfortable you fail to notice the things that could be driving your clients away from your salon in droves. No matter how long a client has been coming to you, you can never begin to take them or their comfort for granted. As a matter of...
Identifying and Dealing with Sucky Clients
Every salon owner has them...sucky clients! They make everyone's life a misery with their poor attitude and lack of respect for your salon. They make you feel like you say and do everything wrong but still, they keep coming back. The dilemma lies in what to do with them. Do you live by the old adage, "The customer is always right", or do you...
How Discretionary Services Could Be Damaging Your Salon or Spa
Everybody loves to receive a little something extra and your clients are no exception. So how could providing your clients with the odd extra service for free, be causing damage to your business? Seems impossible doesn't it, but the fact is you could be setting yourself up for an unhappy client in the future. And here's why... When a client...
Who’s The Most Important Person in Your Salon?
If you have hired well, chances are that your receptionist is likely to be the most important person in your salon. If they do their job well, your appointment columns will be fuller, your additional service sales will be greater, your clients will feel happier, and your retail sales will be better than they've ever been before. One of the...
Everything You Need to Know About Re-booking Your Salon and Spa Clients
If you’ve owned a salon for more than 5 minutes, you'll already know about the highly profitable strategy of client re-booking and pre-booking (that’s where you book your clients for several appointments in advance). This one strategy alone, if done well, can bring in an extra $200 to $300 per client per year. You're going to be shocked when you...
Are You Communicating Often Enough With Your Salon and Spa Clients?
Have you ever lost clients from your salon or spa? It happens, and it sucks - big time. But are you partly responsible for this loss? Are you doing what it takes to retain your valuable clients? Are you doing everything right and staying in touch regularly? Regular communication these days is a must-do. The days when you could rely on a...
What Clients Really Want From Your Salon Or Spa
Great customer service is truly what will either make or break most businesses, including salons and spas. The vast majority of coaching clients that I work with tell me that they offer amazing customer service and really care for their clients but, they're still not retaining enough of them. This simply doesn't make sense. Clients who receive a...
9 Simple Strategies to Attract More Men Into Your Salon
Savvy spa and salon owners shouldn’t ignore it any longer! MANicures, Massage and Microdermabrasion are words that are creeping steadily into the male vocabulary. Just like their female counterparts, men want to take advantage of the vast array of treatments that will leave them looking and feeling younger, less stressed and more...
Has Your Salon Become An Ugly Duckling?
Has your salon gone from being a beautiful swan to an ugly duckling without you even noticing? It can and does happen when salon owners stop seeing their salons through the eyes of their clients. Being a business owner means that life is often hectic and trying to fit 12 hours of work into an 8 hour day becomes the norm. This is when little...