Staff Management, Recruitment and Retention

The Small Changes That Bring Big Results in Your Salon or Spa

The Small Changes That Bring Big Results in Your Salon or Spa

Sometimes it can be disheartening when your business is floundering and you don’t know what to do to fix it. Where do you start? What’s going to make the most difference in the shortest amount of time? The truth is that your business may need something entirely different from another person’s business to get it back on the right path. And the...

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What To Do When Your New Recruit Really Sucks

What To Do When Your New Recruit Really Sucks

Your salon has been getting busier, and so, you decide it’s time to hire an additional person to reduce the load and, hopefully, generate more revenue. After much planning and consideration, you find the ‘right’ person and offer them the job. Things look promising initially, and you breathe a big sigh of relief…and then the problems surface. As a...

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Get More Done With Less Stress – Make a List

Get More Done With Less Stress – Make a List

I’ve got to say, I’m a big fan of making lists! I have all kinds of lists in my life. Grocery lists, business lists, packing lists, to-do lists and the list goes on! But seriously, making lists in your business can help you to grow in so many ways. Not only does writing something down generally ensure it doesn’t get forgotten, but it also helps...

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5 Essential Strategies to Generate More Salon Profit

5 Essential Strategies to Generate More Salon Profit

I’m often asked this question by salon and spa owners, ‘How can I increase my revenue (turnover)?’ In fact, if staying in business and taking home a decent personal wage are the goals, the question should actually be ‘How can I make more profit in my business without working any harder than I already do?’  Almost every salon or spa owner I’ve met...

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15 Top Tips to Get More Done in Your Spa Every Single Day

15 Top Tips to Get More Done in Your Spa Every Single Day

As a business coach, I regularly hear clients tell me that they simply don’t have enough time in each day to do what they need to. Whether it’s staff training, business planning, newsletter writing or something else they really don’t want to do, lack of time always seems to be the reason put forward. We all have the same amount of time to achieve...

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13 Powerful Strategies to Kick-Start Your Spa in the New Year

13 Powerful Strategies to Kick-Start Your Spa in the New Year

At the beginning of each year, most of us make a mighty dollop of personal New Year’s resolutions; get thinner, get fitter, stop smoking, drink less, or maybe it’s all of these and a few more for good measure. However, when you own a business, you often need to extend those resolutions to include new and better strategies to help you to achieve a...

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7 Ways To Prepare For Your Best Salon Christmas Ever

7 Ways To Prepare For Your Best Salon Christmas Ever

Yes, I know. Everyone hates thinking about Christmas being just around the corner, but when you're in the beauty business and it's your busiest time of year, then heading in without a plan isn't the wisest move. With a bit of time up your sleeve, you can prepare yourself properly, and that should ensure you'll experience a much more prosperous...

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The (It Didn’t Have To Be) Sad Story of the Salon Owner and Her New Employee

The (It Didn’t Have To Be) Sad Story of the Salon Owner and Her New Employee

Once upon a time, a happy salon owner realised she needs to employ a new staff member because her business is growing and she didn't want to have to turn clients away. The very next day, a pretty young girl straight from college walked into her salon and offered her an attractive resume.  The salon owner was uber-excited.  After all, a potential...

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6 Steps to Create Your Perfect SpaTeam

6 Steps to Create Your Perfect SpaTeam

Unless you’re a sole-trader and have no employees, chances are the biggest stressor you’ll have in your salon or spa comes from managing and motivating your own team members. After all, your team is responsible for providing and up-selling services, selling products, re-booking clients, and delivering outstanding customer service. All of which...

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Countdown to Christmas in Your Salon

Countdown to Christmas in Your Salon

Does it feel like this past year has gone by in a blink to you?  It sure does for me. But, we're well into November and the countdown to bedlam has begun. The very last thing you think you have time for is to sit down and make a checklist of all the things you should do in the lead up to the end of the year,'s actually one of the most...

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Double Your Salon Profits Through Better Client Retention

Double Your Salon Profits Through Better Client Retention

Given the choice, most salon and spa owners will jump at the opportunity to learn how to attract more clients into their business.  After all, that's how their salons will grow, right? In fact, this isn't the case at all for most salons I've worked with. Each time I work with a new salon or spa owner, and I ask them what their business goals are,...

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How to Avoid a Salon or Spa Recruitment Disaster

How to Avoid a Salon or Spa Recruitment Disaster

One of the biggest problems that many industries face, including the beauty industry, is employee turnover. When you consider the cost of advertising, recruiting, training, and development of a new employee, you can certainly see why minimising employee replacement is a great idea. To avoid this additional expense in your salon, you need to...

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How your Communication Style is Affecting your Salon Team’s Performance

How your Communication Style is Affecting your Salon Team’s Performance

One of the top 3 issues salon owners tell me they have, is problems with the performance of their team members. I often hear the questions, “Why don’t they see what I can see?” or, “Why don’t they do it the way I’d do it?” It leaves them feeling frustrated and more than a little stressed. The reality is that unless you have an identical twin,...

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11 Strategies on How To Make A Jolly Good Profit This Festive Season.

11 Strategies on How To Make A Jolly Good Profit This Festive Season.

Christmas!  Love it or hate it, it turns up on your doorstep every 12 months and turns your life into one big stress-fest. Every client you've seen over the past 12 months seems to want an appointment in the 2 weeks prior to the arrival of Saint Nick, and of course, you try to fit everyone in with a smile, multiple cans of Red Bull, and a few...

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The Art of Team Motivation

The Art of Team Motivation

It's a broadly known fact that every business’s success hinges on the performance of their team. Without buy-in, loyalty and enthusiasm from their key team members, no business stands a chance of becoming or remaining, successful. After all, it's your team members who're providing service to your customers on a daily basis.  Therefore, it's...

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6 Actions You Can Take To Resolve Workplace Conflict In Your Salon

6 Actions You Can Take To Resolve Workplace Conflict In Your Salon

Conflict can and does happen in every workplace. Work should be enjoyable for everyone, and this means nipping conflict in the bud as soon as possible once it begins, or better still, preventing it altogether. Whether it’s a large multi-layered business or a small salon or spa, if there are people involved, conflicts are sure to arise at some...

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How to Hire for Happiness in your Salon

How to Hire for Happiness in your Salon

Over the years, I’ve spoken to countless business owners, and the one issue that seems to haunt the majority of them is the performance of their employees. I would go as far as to say that poor employee performance would be at the top of the list of reasons why many salon owners let go of their employees and move back to working by themselves....

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5 Things Clients Might Hate About Your Salon Or Spa

5 Things Clients Might Hate About Your Salon Or Spa

It's so easy to get comfortable in your day-to-day routine.  As a matter of fact, sometimes you can get so comfortable you fail to notice the things that could be driving your clients away from your salon in droves.  No matter how long a client has been coming to you, you can never begin to take them or their comfort for granted.  As a matter of...

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21 Simple Tips to Keep Your Clients in Love with Your Salon or Spa

21 Simple Tips to Keep Your Clients in Love with Your Salon or Spa

Keeping clients simply 'satisfied' these days is not enough to keep them loyal. Salons are popping up at the rate of knots and there are easily twice as many salons per suburb as there was ten years ago. This means only those salons that know how to wow their clients are going to be successful in  getting them to return. Naturally, clients expect...

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Why Your Employees Are Wrecking Your Business, And What You Can Do About It

Why Your Employees Are Wrecking Your Business, And What You Can Do About It

Good employees are the backbone of every business. When they're working with you, your business will prosper, but if they are working against you, then expect turbulent times. You might be wondering, “Why would my employees want to work against me?” After all, you employ them, pay their wages and do your best for them. However, sometimes your...

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6 Tips on How To Become A Great Leader in Your Salon

6 Tips on How To Become A Great Leader in Your Salon

If you own your own salon and employ others, you'll already know that being a great leader is not something that just happens.  It’s a skill. But the good news is that like all skills, it can be learned. Why do you need great leadership skills? Well, the answer to that is pretty straightforward. If your team doesn’t have a strong leader, you end...

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Make This Christmas Your Best Yet By Implementing These 5 Vital Strategies

Make This Christmas Your Best Yet By Implementing These 5 Vital Strategies

It happens once a year, and it’s just around the guessed it. Christmas is just about here and with it, all the mad rushing, hair-pulling and stress elevating events that make up the silly season in most salons. So let’s examine a few of the things that tend to have you reaching for a double-strength headache tablet in the lead up to...

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Grow A Better Business with These 10 Easy Strategies

Grow A Better Business with These 10 Easy Strategies

When you decide to do something different to change your life for the better, you are said to be turning over a new leaf. It means taking the decision to make the changes necessary to turn around some aspect of your life that you are not happy with and want to improve. With the economic climate being what it is, there will never be a better time...

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What To Do When Employees Behave Badly

What To Do When Employees Behave Badly

  Every salon owner will have to deal with it sooner or later - poor employee performance. Whether it is around teamwork, customer service, selling, or some other important aspect of their job, poor performance is something that needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later. If you ignore performance issues, as many bosses do, you are...

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Keep More Salon Clients That Stay and Pay

Keep More Salon Clients That Stay and Pay

Salon owners often tell me their biggest concern is mastering ways to get more clients into their salons and I tell them that this shouldn't be their biggest concern; it's actually getting clients to stay with their salons once they have visited that should be their main focus. You see, when I ask salon owners how many new clients they get in...

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Why Being Great Won’t Earn You The Big Bucks in Your Spa

Why Being Great Won’t Earn You The Big Bucks in Your Spa

I often see salon owners who go into business believing that they are going to be financially successful because they are great therapists or technicians.  Their past clients, friends and family have all told them how talented they are and encouraged them to start up their own business based on this single talent.  The problem is that these...

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Are Disrespectful Employees in your Salon Spa Making Your Life a Misery?

Are Disrespectful Employees in your Salon Spa Making Your Life a Misery?

There’s not much that is more stressful in the workplace than having a disrespectful and disruptive employee, especially when that employee is a valuable contributor to the spa’s revenue.  It can put you in a very difficult situation.  Do you simply put up with the disrespectful behaviour for the sake of the money she brings into the spa, or do...

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7 Key Actions That Will Improve Your Salon or Spa Profitability Immediately

7 Key Actions That Will Improve Your Salon or Spa Profitability Immediately

When the going gets tough....the tough get going! Is it time for you to “get going” in your business? It is not uncommon for salon owners to sit back for too long when business drops off, just waiting to see what will happen and hoping for the best. This is what I call the “Emu Technique of Business Management” and not what I would consider a...

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6 Easy Steps to Make Your Team Fall In Love with Selling

6 Easy Steps to Make Your Team Fall In Love with Selling

The ability and willingness of your team members to sell to their clients impacts significantly on your salon's bottom line and can mean the difference between being a struggling or successful business. Therefore, getting them on-board with sales is essential. Most salon owners would agree that therapists are often reluctant to sell; whether it...

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When You Hire In Haste You Will Often Repent At Leisure

When You Hire In Haste You Will Often Repent At Leisure

Hire in haste and repent at leisure! So true, and yet forgotten by so many, so often. When you're busy and short-staffed, it's easy to glance through a resume and accept the first job applicant that looks half decent to fill the gap and relieve some of the pressure While this might seem like a good idea at the time, have you stopped to think...

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