Staff Management, Recruitment and Retention
Take 2 Steps Outside your Comfort Zone to Generate Greater Spa Profits
Would you like to make more money and keep more of it? As a business owner you not only have to pay your bills and therapists on time, but you still have to have enough money left over to invest money back into your business and to take home a worthwhile paycheck for yourself. I've yet to meet a salon owner who went into business for herself...
17 Simple Strategies For A Jolly Good Christmas
Christmas is a fun time, filled with festivities, time spent with family, gift shopping and laughter....unless you work in a salon! Many salons can be chaotic in the lead up to Christmas, with clients forgetting, or desperate for last minute appointments and extra services, suppliers unable to fulfil orders, and staff (including salon owners)...
12 Sure Fire (Bad) Strategies To Guarantee That Your Competitors Will Love You
Do you ever wonder why all the hard work, sweat and tears you seem to plough into your salon isn't resulting in a big fat increase in your bank balance? What’s going on, or more importantly, what's going wrong? Well, maybe it's time to take a long hard look at your business to see if some less than desirable habits have begun to slip in under the...
Just Who Is Running Your Spa or Salon?
Just who's running your salon? Most salon owners would like to think that they were at the helm of their business... making all the important decisions. In actual fact, the people who have the real power to control your destiny are the ones who are dealing with your customers at the coal face each and every day. Yes...that would be your staff! ...
Salon and Spa Team Meetings That Really Get Real Results!
Does this sound like one of your usual team meetings? You, the boss (tb) who knows everything there is to know, do all the talking, telling and critiquing of your staff and they do all the listening and head nodding? Well if you are the one who is now nodding your head, then read on, because you're about to learn how to transform your boring...
Finding the Hidden Profits in Your Salon
It's challenging and exciting being a business coach. I have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of salon owners and their staff and yet I have never yet found any two businesses to be remotely similar. This is where the fun part comes in though! Getting to find where the hidden profits are in any business is literally like finding the...
You Just Can’t Do It All!
, No matter what your mother or your school teachers told you, you just can't do it all! The fact of the matter is that we are all different and that means generally we excel in some things and can be downright lousy at others. I have been re-learning this lesson for the past week and I don't know how I ever forgot it in the first place. You see,...
9 Ridiculous Reasons Why You Should Avoid Staff Training In Your Salon
When I speak to my clients about the need for ongoing staff training, I often hear "I hate spending the money to hold staff training because eventually they will leave and I have wasted my money". While this may sound like valid reasoning to some, I wonder if much thought has been given to the repercussions of continuing to think along these...
35 Simple Tips for a Happier Salon Team
Every employer knows that when you have your staff on board 100% and sharing your vision, then day-to-day activities just seem to go a whole lot smoother. Not only do you need your valuable staff to turn up to work every day, but you need them to actually want to come to work also. Why Should Happy Staff Members Matter To You? When your staff...
Have You Got A Single Minute?
May I ask you a very quick question? What can you do in just 1 minute each day that will profoundly affect your business profitability? Well, you won't have the time to do your business plan, design a marketing promotion or even make a cup of coffee. What you can do, however, is take one minute to say "thank you, I appreciate your effort" to the...
Are You Paying Too Much For Staff You Don’t Need?
The beauty industry is a tough one. No one with any industry experience will argue with that statement. As soon as the economy takes a downturn clients begin looking for ways to economise, and unfortunately, that often means trips to the spa or salon are dramatically reduced. The fact of the matter is that if you have exhausted all the other...
How the Ripple is Affecting Your Business
Did you even know about the Ripple? Chances are you haven’t given it much thought, until now. Picture what happens when you throw a stone into a calm pond. Depending on the size of the stone, you will generate a different size ripple. This is the same ripple effect that good and bad customer service has on your business. We all know that our...