Start the way you mean to finish! 

These are truly wise words both in life and in business.

They were drilled into me from a very early age, and they have saved me from a lot of heartache and misery.


Where do you want to end up?

Giving thought to where you would like your actions to take you is the first step in achieving a successful outcome.

You must have a vision for your salon…something not many business owners put enough thought into in the beginning. 

If you don’t have a vision, how do you know what direction you need to take?

If for instance, you want your business to attract a certain type of clientele, then you need to decide right from the start who that clientele will be and aim your business in their direction.

It is pointless setting up a business that offers discount goods and services if you are trying to attract a wealthy clientele.

The same goes for the location of your business.

Who are you trying to attract? 

What does your location say about your salon?

What qualities will your team need to properly service the clients you wish to attract? 

What skills, attitude and appearance do they need to service your ideal clients?

And what about your decor, ambience and all of the other things that create your specific ‘brand’. 

For instance, do you want men to be a significant part of your client base? 

If so, you must prepare your salon for this and avoid overt feminine touches that will make men uncomfortable.

All of these things and much more needs to be considered before you spend one cent on establishing your salon. 

If your salon is already established, these questions are still every bit as valid as you can use the answers to adapt your salon so that your ideal clients are attracted to it.

The time you invest in this process will be one of the best investments you will ever make in your salon.

So, my thought for today is, always keep in mind where you want to ‘finish’, and make sure you start on the right path to get there.

“All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do.” – Norman Vincent Peale