What Is Quality Business Coaching?

Finding the right coach

One of the most important factors in successful coaching is finding the right coach.  It needs to be someone who understands your business from the inside out and knows first-hand how to prevent problems before they become one.

Doing things your way

This doesn’t mean that you should keep on doing what you’ve always done as this won’t lead to change.  What it does mean is finding a coach who will work with your personal strengths to help you make the changes you need to make.

Support and guidance

It’s imperative that your coach is available to you when you need them.  This means being able to contact them and get answers fast when issues arise.

How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

Coaching isn’t for the faint hearted.  It’s hard work and needs 100% committment to the process if you’re going to be successful.

I love what I do but I'm not profitable

Let’s face it.  Running a beauty business is hard work, and you deserve to be rewarded for it.  If you’re struggling to take home a pay packet for yourself or to pay your suppliers, coaching is the solution for you.

I feel constantly stressed and worn out

Stress and being tired all the time are sure signs you’re struggling in your business.  Often it’s simply because you’re not sure which direction you should follow so as not to make a costly mistake. Having an available coach will help you overcome this issue.

I need to take my business to the next level but I don't know how

So, you’re doing okay but it’s time to grow your beauty business. An experienced coach can guide you to make the right decisions to upscale.

I'm constantly chasing my tail looking for new clients

When this happens, it’s a sure sign you have problems in your business. Working with your coach will help you to pinpoint where the issues lie and give you strategies to overcome them.

My Approach

Every business and, therefore, every client is different and has different needs.

Before your coaching begins I’ll ask you to provide as much detail about your business; what’s working well and what you’re struggling with, so we can work on the areas that will return the fastest and best results for you.

For some, this might be learning how to attract more new clients or for others, it might be discovering ways to keep the clients they already have.  But whatever your greatest hurdles are, that’s where we’ll start.

I don’t believe in one approach for everyone. Some clients are more experienced and some are just starting out so it simply makes good sense to treat each client and their business as unique.

Every client receives a customised coaching experience with The Coaching Hub to ensure the best results for them.


How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1

Before we start working together, it’s important to know we’re a good fit. When you schedule a free 1:1 chat you’ll be able to ask questions about what matters most to you.


Choose a Coaching Plan

Some clients need just a little coaching while others need more to get the results they want. You can choose between a range of plans  and find one that is perfect for your needs.

Reach Your Goals

This is the fun bit!  It’s pretty exciting to finally have the business you’d hoped for. Whether you have big or small goals, coaching will get you there so much faster than trying to go it alone.

13 Week Coaching Package

The 13 Week Coaching Package allows us to work on multiple issues in your business. It includes:

  • A PDF Information Booklet + Resources Book on each of the topics being covered
  • 3 x 60 min coaching calls
  • 13 weeks unlimited follow-up email support
  • Editing of all copy written for your business.


4 Week Coaching Package

The 4 Week Coaching Package is ideal if you just want to tackle a single issue in your business.  It includes:

  • A PDF Information Booklet + Resources Book on the topic being covered
  • 60 min coaching call
  • 4 weeks follow-up email support

Single Coaching Session

Do you have a burning issue that you just can’t figure out alone?  The Single Coaching Session might be all you need to crack the issue wide open and let you move forward.  It includes:

  • 60 min coaching call
  • 1 week follow-up email support

Custom Coaching

 My goal is to help as many salon and spa owners as possible, and sometimes this means working out something special.  If you need coaching but my current plans don’t meet your needs, please get in touch. We can work something out that will suit you.

Still Have Questions?

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