Salon owners are often heard to comment “My clients don’t treat me like I’m a professional“. This is an interesting comment because it’s made with the assumption that the problem lies with the clients.

Let me assure you – it doesn’t.

If your clients are disrespectful towards you, are not treating you like a professional and you want to know why then one important place to start looking is at the message you’re sending out to the world via social media.

I spend several hours per week reading the posts of many salon owners, and sometimes I’m simply gobsmacked by how inappropriate those posts are in relation to their desired professional image.  Posts and images that should be reserved for only personal and close friends are being shared with salon clients.

This is a BIG MISTAKE.

While it’s good to have a friendly relationship with your clients, they simply don’t need to know about the intimate details of your private life. They should be kept away from posts that may upset them – mistreated animals or people may be something you’re passionate about, but when you expose these posts to clients, it can make them very uncomfortable, and they may even choose to unlike your page to be free of them.

If you’ve already ventured into this territory, then here’s what you need to do to get back on track with your social media image…

~ First, you must have separate pages for your personal posts and your business posts. If you’re running your business from a personal page, you also run the risk of Facebook closing it down, so now is a good time to get your business page up and running.

~ Next, think about what you are trying to achieve with your business posts. I believe that you should use them as marketing messages to help grow your business. This means posts that add value to your clients’ lives based on the services you offer.

~ Plan your social media posts for your business carefully.  Entertain and educate your clients so that they’ll be happy to read what you post.  Let them know when you’re having a special promotion, or if you have a last minute vacancy.  Post informative articles relating to your industry that will educate them.  Add interesting images to grab their attention.  Have competitions to keep them interested.  All of these things will boost your professional image and allow you to keep your personal life personal.

Remember, people absorb the image of yourself you let them see. If you want that image to be professional, then that is the image you must work on portraying with every post.

No exceptions.