So, you’ve managed to get 20 new clients into your salon this week.
You’ve just succeeded in doing the easy bit when it comes to growing your client base.
Now the real work needs to be done, and that means keeping those clients coming back to you.
Did you know that the average salon never sees half of their new clients again after their first or second visit?
Some salons fare even worse with 3 out of 4 never returning.
This is a real blow to future earnings and worth a considerable amount of effort to improve this situation.
It’s really pretty obvious that returning clients are the key to growing your business at a more rapid rate.
Just do the sums for yourself.
If you’re only retaining half of your new clients, then a massive 50 % of all that hard work and expense involved in gaining those new clients has been wasted.
This also means you’re losing bucket loads of potential income.
It’s being happily spent in the salon down the street, and all because you weren’t able to tempt them back to your salon.
Now, there can a lot of reasons why a client doesn’t return.
Maybe they weren’t happy with the treatment they received, or perhaps they weren’t made to feel special by your staff members during their time in the salon, but whatever the reason, you need to make sure that these clients give you a second chance.
You need to prove that you’re the right salon for them, and that means getting those new clients back through your salon doors.
The good news is that the solution is really quite straight forward.
To increase new client retention, you need to give them a great reason to give your salon another go.
One of the best ways to do this is to communicate with a new client shortly after their first visit.
You need to let them know just how valuable they are to your salon and how you intend to look after them in the future.
They should be made to feel like they are part of the salon family, and a well worded welcome letter with a salon voucher attached does
One of the best ways to do this is to communicate with a new client shortly after their first visit.
They need to know just how valuable they are to your salon, how you intend to look after them in the future and that they are a valuable part of your salon family.
If you’ve done a half decent job on their first visit to your salon, then a welcome letter accompanied by a small salon voucher will generally bring them in for their second visit, but if your treatments were less than sensational, then you’d better do something about that first.