11 Strategies on How To Make A Jolly Good Profit This Festive Season.

11 Strategies on How To Make A Jolly Good Profit This Festive Season.

Christmas!  Love it or hate it, it turns up on your doorstep every 12 months and turns your life into one big stress-fest.

Every client you’ve seen over the past 12 months seems to want an appointment in the 2 weeks prior to the arrival of Saint Nick, and of course, you try to fit everyone in with a smile, multiple cans of Red Bull, and a few after salon drinkies to restore your calm.

In other words…chaos reigns supreme!

However, there are 2 distinct categories of chaos; profitable and not profitable.  And let’s face it, most of us would prefer profitable if we’re going to put ourselves through the stress machine.

So, how do you go about making sure that you not only survive the festive season but also come out at the other end with hair intact and money in the bank?

Well, success lies in good preparation and follow-through, and by implementing some common-sense strategies, you can come out of the festive season with a smile and some hard earned profits.

Below is a list of 11 common-sense strategies that you can implement, to improve your Christmas revenue.


Profit Strategy #1

Start your marketing in early November.  All the major retail stores are gearing up to grab as many pre-Christmas dollars as early as possible.  This means that if you don’t too, you’ll miss out on opportunities to sell gift-wrapped products and Gift Vouchers. Beat those department stores at their own game, and get prepared early.

Profit Strategy #2

Be like a boy scout and always be prepared. You can’t sell what you don’t have, so take advantage of supplier’s special offers if they have them.  This will generally allow you to sell gift-packed products to your clients at great prices.

Also, make sure you have a plentiful supply of Gift Vouchers on hand, so you don’t run out at a critical time.

Profit Strategy #3

Make sure your Gift Vouchers look like a gift.  When a client buys a Gift Voucher from your salon, they want to buy a total solution.  The way you can make this happen, is to make sure your Gift Vouchers are beautifully presented, and ready to be given as a gift by your client.  Beautiful, festive presentation is a must if you are going to provide the ‘total solution’ for your clients. Consider using boxes, gift bows and ribbons to create something amazing.

Profit Strategy #4

Incentivise your Gift Voucher Sales to boost revenue. Give you clients the answer to ‘What’s in it for me if I buy a voucher from your salon?’ Run a promotion whereby your clients go into the draw to win something each time they purchase a voucher from your salon.  It may well be just the reason they buy from you and not the department store down the road.

Profit Strategy #5

Incentivise your team members to sell more Gift Vouchers.  Everyone needs a bit of extra money after Christmas, so run a team promotion to reward your top Gift Voucher Salesperson. Make it FUN.

Profit Strategy #6

Make it easy for clients to buy your Gift Vouchers.  Create a small menu of festive packages comprised of pampering services that your clients will love to give to friends and family.  Vary the price points so that you cater for all budgets.

When a client comes looking to buy a voucher, give them your menu of special packages to choose from.  It makes their life just so much easier when you do this for them, and you are more likely to make a better, bigger sale if you sell a package rather than a service.

Profit Strategy #7

Make sure your clients know that you have Gift Vouchers available.  Let them know by displaying in-salon signage, send an email blast, include it in your newsletter and if you have an app, send it via that also.  Put it on your front window or A-frame outside.  You can’t sell a secret, so let your clients know what you have to offer.

Profit Strategy #8

Don’t offer discounted services during your busy period in December.  Now is not the time to run a loss-producing promotion.  You will be busy enough tending to your regular clients. You deserve to get full price for all your services during this busy time.

Profit Strategy #9

Make sure your clients are all re-booked for the quiet time after Christmas.  For some salons this is in January and others in Feb.  You can achieve this by giving your clients a little gift from your salon of a low value salon voucher redeemable only during your quiet time the following year.  You can adjust the value of your gift depending upon the financial value of the client to your salon.

You can also create some after-Christmas promotional packages that will tempt your clients to treat themselves to some much needed me-time during your normally quiet period.

Profit Strategy #10

Early in the new year is a terrible time for cash-flow in most salons.  You still have to pay out wages and all your regular expenses but get very little back as those Gift Certificates come streaming through your doors.  Don’t just shake your head and accept the inevitable.  Prepare your team and teach them how to add-on and up-sell to these clients.  Your goal should be to sell every Gift Certificate client something extra, whether it be an additional service or a  retail product.  Let your team members know what you expect from them.

Profit Strategy #11

Have a retail promotion after Christmas.  If you’re making a 100% markup on your retail range then you are making 50 cents in every dollar sold in profit.  You can afford to take less profit in exchange for getting retail greater sales during this period.  Buy 1 and get one 1/2 price works well, and still leaves you with a 50% markup of 33 cents in every dollar sold.

So, if you want this Christmas to be your best money earner yet, with less financial stress in the New Year, then consider implementing these 11 simple strategies into your salon this year.


Is Your Professional Image on Social Media Affecting Your Salon?

Is Your Professional Image on Social Media Affecting Your Salon?

Salon owners are often heard to comment “My clients don’t treat me like I’m a professional“. This is an interesting comment because it’s made with the assumption that the problem lies with the clients.

Let me assure you – it doesn’t.

If your clients are disrespectful towards you, are not treating you like a professional and you want to know why then one important place to start looking is at the message you’re sending out to the world via social media.

I spend several hours per week reading the posts of many salon owners, and sometimes I’m simply gobsmacked by how inappropriate those posts are in relation to their desired professional image.  Posts and images that should be reserved for only personal and close friends are being shared with salon clients.

This is a BIG MISTAKE.

While it’s good to have a friendly relationship with your clients, they simply don’t need to know about the intimate details of your private life. They should be kept away from posts that may upset them – mistreated animals or people may be something you’re passionate about, but when you expose these posts to clients, it can make them very uncomfortable, and they may even choose to unlike your page to be free of them.

If you’ve already ventured into this territory, then here’s what you need to do to get back on track with your social media image…

~ First, you must have separate pages for your personal posts and your business posts. If you’re running your business from a personal page, you also run the risk of Facebook closing it down, so now is a good time to get your business page up and running.

~ Next, think about what you are trying to achieve with your business posts. I believe that you should use them as marketing messages to help grow your business. This means posts that add value to your clients’ lives based on the services you offer.

~ Plan your social media posts for your business carefully.  Entertain and educate your clients so that they’ll be happy to read what you post.  Let them know when you’re having a special promotion, or if you have a last minute vacancy.  Post informative articles relating to your industry that will educate them.  Add interesting images to grab their attention.  Have competitions to keep them interested.  All of these things will boost your professional image and allow you to keep your personal life personal.

Remember, people absorb the image of yourself you let them see. If you want that image to be professional, then that is the image you must work on portraying with every post.

No exceptions.

Salon Newsletters – Your Friend or Foe?

Salon Newsletters – Your Friend or Foe?

Most salon and spa owners agree that they should do a salon newsletter and that they should do it more often.  The thing is, sometimes they’re not sure why, how or what to say, so they end up doing nothing.

If you think about what it takes to write a great newsletter, you have to ask yourself, “Is it really worth the time and effort it’s going to take me? Am I going to get anything back for my efforts?”  The truth is that is may be a fantastic tool in your marketing toolkit, or it may be a serious waste of your time.

What I’d like to do in this article is help you to get clear about why great salon newsletters need to be part of your marketing plan, and how bad newsletters can be forever eliminated.


Why is regular communication so important?

First, let’s look at why your newsletters are so important. 

If you think about all the salons that are out there in your area trying to poach your clients, you’ll begin to understand why it’s vital to stay in touch with your clients on a regular basis.

Keeping them informed and interested in how your salon can continue to help them solve their beauty problems is a fantastic way to cement your relationship with them. 

If your salon is the only one that they’re not hearing from, then there could be a chance that they could be lured away to try the services offered by one of your competitors.


How is the best way to deliver your newsletter?

Now let’s look at the best way to deliver your newsletter. 

The easiest and best way, of course, is to deliver your newsletter either via email or even through your salon app. 

This way you get to remove the high cost of printing and snail mail, plus your clients get immediate access to your fantastic information. 

The downside to this is that emails are very easily deleted and that unsubscribe button can be very tempting if the content is of little interest to your client. 

Some salons also find it worthwhile to print off some hard copies to keep in their reception areas for new clients who aren’t yet in their database.


How often should you send a newsletter to your clients?

Another how that needs an answer is how often should I send a newsletter to my clients.  

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or just now and then.  Which is best? 

The only answer to this is that it really depends on how much great information you have to share that your clients really want to hear. 

For instance, if you have your own salon app, you might want to contact your clients daily with updates about available appointments or last minute specials.  This is pretty easy to do because it’s not very time consuming, and you can prepare and send it out in just a few minutes. 

A worthwhile newsletter takes much longer to prepare and so it’s not feasible to do quite as often.  Years back a quarterly or seasonal newsletter was the done thing, but times have changed and so has the need for more contact.

Only making contact every three months could allow other salons to lure your clients away, so to avoid this you need to send out quality information at least once per month. 

When you do this you have a good chance of staying uppermost in the minds of your clients.


What information should you include?

Well, the first rule of thumb when it comes to content is that it must benefit your clients in some way. 

A newsletter that’s nothing but a salon sales pitch will quickly find its way into the trash. 

If you’re not sure what to write, then consider what your clients would like to learn more about.  If the weather is cold and the major problem your clients are facing is dehydration, then share some good information about how they can care for their dehydrated skin more effectively between salon visits. 

Be generous with your knowledge to show your clients that you actually care about their well-being.  Once you’ve done this, you can offer some suggestions about what salon treatments they could have or retail products they could use to alleviate their dry winter skin.

Stop thinking about what you want to sell to your clients and start thinking about what your clients want to know more about. 

Consider ways you can help them to overcome a current issue. 

You may be concerned that if you give too much information away that they won’t need your services as often, but that won’t be the case. 

By highlighting the need to care for their skin, you will actually trigger the idea to have a professional service more often.


So, to answer the question posted in the heading of this article, I believe that a quality newsletter that is focused on benefiting your client (rather than benefiting just you) is truly a marketing friend.

It’s a well known saying that people do business with those they know, like and trust, and if you can strengthen these things by staying in touch with your clients on a regular basis and providing them with worthwhile information and tips, then you are achieving one of the most difficult things in any business and that is good client retention.

5 Things Clients Might Hate About Your Salon Or Spa

5 Things Clients Might Hate About Your Salon Or Spa

It’s so easy to get comfortable in your day-to-day routine. 

As a matter of fact, sometimes you can get so comfortable you fail to notice the things that could be driving your clients away from your salon in droves. 

No matter how long a client has been coming to you, you can never begin to take them or their comfort for granted. 

As a matter of fact, a long-standing and loyal client should always receive first class service equivalent to the very first time they were in your salon.

Here  are 5 things that could be happening in your salon that could result in lost clients…

1. You keep your clients waiting for their appointment.

Nothing is more frustrating for them than having rushed to get to their appointment on time, only to wait 10 or 15 minutes to see their therapist. 

If you run behind because you’re too slow delivering your treatments, then you must work towards improving your timing. 

If it’s because the previous client arrived late, you must shorten her treatment routine so as not to delay the client who respectfully turned up on time. 

Regardless of the reason, if your client is going to have to wait for her treatment, always show her the courtesy of an explanation right up front, so she is at least aware of what’s happening and how big a delay there will be. 

This is simply being respectful.


2. Clients have to listen to the tragic tale of the therapist’s love life.

Clients may smile and ask a few personal questions, but the reality is that they are in the salon or spa to enjoy some personal down time. 

If they’re going to talk about anything, it should be themselves. 

Therapists must learn the art of delivering a peaceful treatment that allows the client to enjoy a relaxing and quiet time-out for themselves.

This isn’t a hard one to master. 

Simply answer when spoken to and then stay quiet.


3. The salon or spa is too noisy to relax.

Nothing breaks the serenity and peace of mind quite like ringing phones, screeching kids, and raucous laughter. 

Adopt a low noise policy in your salon.

Turn your salon phone’s ringtone down, ask clients to turn their mobiles to silent, encourage clients to leave their kids with a friend, and train your staff to speak quietly so your clients leave feeling refreshed rather than frazzled.

Turn your salon into a peaceful sanctuary and your clients will love you for it. 


4. The client is made to feel stupid.

This is easier to do than you may think. 

Each time you correct or criticise a client for the choices she has made or is currently making, you make her feel stupid. 

Train your staff instead, to congratulate their clients on being proactive in their beauty routine (no matter what that routine may be).

Once you have won the trust of the client, she will then be more open to hearing your suggestions on how to achieve “even better results” from her home routine. 

Making a client feel stupid for her choices is a sure-fire way to lose them for good.


5. The client feels forgotten before she walks out the door. 

No matter how nicely you’ve treated your client during her treatment, if you ignore her the minute you’ve collected the payment, you’ve lost her. 

Engage with your client until the moment she steps out the door of your salon. 

Your waiting client can afford the additional 5 seconds, especially if she was greeted properly when she arrived.


These are just 5 simple things that won’t cost you a penny to fix in your salon or spa, but could save you tens of thousands of dollars from lost clients.

Take a close look at what’s really going on in your salon that could be costing you valuable clients.  See, hear and smell it as your clients do.

What doesn’t come up to scratch?

Don’t let complacency set in and turn what could be a professional, well-run salon into a place your clients are glad to get out of at the end of their treatments.


Identifying and Dealing with Sucky Clients

Identifying and Dealing with Sucky Clients

Every salon owner has them…sucky clients!

They make everyone’s life a misery with their poor attitude and lack of respect for your salon. 

They make you feel like you say and do everything wrong but still, they keep coming back. 

The dilemma lies in what to do with them.  Do you live by the old adage, “The customer is always right”, or do you pull up your big girl’s panties and move them along? 

Well, that’s pretty much determined by your tolerance level and their level of misbehaviour.

Let’s take a look at what makes a sucky client and whether or not they’re worth keeping in your salon.


Sucky Client #1 – The Complainer.

You know which clients are the complainers – there’s always one or two in every salon. 

They are the ones that find fault with at least one thing, or sometimes more, at every visit. 

The air conditioning is too cold, they are too hot under the covers, your massage is too heavy or too light, the waxing is more painful than usual, the new price increase is outrageous, they don’t like the new aromatherapy candles you’re burning, the lights are too dim/bright for them, they preferred your hair when it was the other colour, and so on and so on.

This client is truly a pain in the butt but is generally very loyal to your salon. 

You feel like inviting them to try the salon down the road (your main competitor) every time they are in, but generally, they spend reasonably well and are pretty regular. 

So what do you do? 

My advice is to grow a slightly thicker skin, understand the problem lies with the client and not your salon and just suck it up. 

These people just don’t feel happy unless they can find something to complain about, but while they are spending on a regular basis in your salon, just learn to expect the odd complaint, smile sweetly and take their money. 

Deep down, they really love you!


Sucky Client #2 – The Always Late Client.

The one good thing you can say about these clients is that they are consistent – consistently late!

It really doesn’t matter how many times you remind them that they need to arrive on time, they just can’t get their act together. 

But the one thing you should remember is that it’s not just your salon that they run late at.  It’s everyone they make appointments with. 

They drive you to distraction because you know for sure that no matter what time you book them in for, they’re going to be 10 to 15 minutes late for their appointment and that’s really going to throw out your schedule.

So, what do you do?  It’s simple really…you just book them in 15 minutes later than you tell them you have. 

This way when they turn up 15 min later than they think they should have arrived, they’ll actually be on time and everyone will be happy. 

You haven’t been kept waiting, your next client won’t be kept waiting and everything will still run on time. 

If your always late client does happen to turn up on time, then she gets to wait the additional 15 min and she will either have to accept this or move on to the next salon. 

Don’t let these clients ruin your day or put you out, play their time game and come out on top.


Sucky Client #3 – The No Show Client

These clients are my least favourite clients. 

While it’s important to remember that everyone forgets an appointment at one time or another, these clients make a habit of not turning up with no or almost no advance notice and then they ring up and ask to make another appointment like nothing’s happened.

These are the suckiest clients of the lot and can’t be tolerated under any circumstances. 

They cost your business a great deal of money and add stress to your life as well!

The solution first and foremost is to make sure you have a clearly worded cancellation policy for your salon. 

Put it everywhere – website, cards, service menu, promotions and in your reception area. 

Not showing up for an appointment must have a consequence otherwise your clients don’t think you really mind. 

You may wish to ask for payment in full or part for the missed appointment, or even decide to ask for non-refundable advance payments in the future. 

Your no-show client won’t like this one little bit and will, in most cases, not return to your salon.

Is this a problem for you?

Well, it does mean that you have lost a paying client and that’s not a good thing, however, these clients generally cost you more than they make you and are better set free. 

They often cause enormous stress and angst because of their disrespectful behaviour and are simply not worth keeping.


At the end of the day, there will always be sucky clients.  It’s just life and business. 

The one thing you must remember is that they only make up a tiny percentage of your entire database and therefore you mustn’t let their behaviour influence the way you treat the rest of your clients.  This would be a major business mistake.

And if you find that you are experiencing a bigger percentage of sucky clients than most, then perhaps you need to look at yourself. 

Clients will continue to behave badly if you tolerate it and do nothing about it. 

Perhaps it’s time to review how you handle these clients and start showing yourself and your staff the respect you all deserve. 

Until you respect your business, your clients won’t either.

Oh, and on the topic of sucky clients…don’t be one yourself!


How Discretionary Services Could Be Damaging Your Salon or Spa

How Discretionary Services Could Be Damaging Your Salon or Spa

Everybody loves to receive a little something extra and your clients are no exception. 

So how could providing your clients with the odd extra service for free, be causing damage to your business? 

Seems impossible doesn’t it, but the fact is you could be setting yourself up for an unhappy client in the future.

And here’s why…

When a client comes to your salon for her facial (or any other treatment), she expects to receive exactly what she had on the last visit and the visit before. 

Because she has returned to your salon, chances are she’s been satisfied with what she’s received in the past. 

Then one day you have a bit of extra time up your sleeve and decide to throw in an additional foot massage just to pamper her and make her feel special.

Well, your client will just love her additional foot massage, but something just went horribly wrong. 

You’ve just created a new expectation within your client and when she comes in for her next facial, she’s not only going to expect what she’s had in the past, but is also going to expect that pampering foot massage that she got at her last visit.

So, what happens when she doesn’t get her extra foot massage because you don’t have a bit of spare time? 

Yup, you guessed it. 

She’s going to be disappointed in her service – the exact same service she’s been happy with in the past.  She didn’t get her foot massage and now she feels cheated.

Now you have a dissatisfied client on your hands instead of a satisfied one.


What went wrong?

You were only trying to be nice and caring, and it all came back to bite you on the backside.  You’ve turned a happy client into an unhappy client because you decided to provide something extra just that one time.

Doesn’t seem right, does it?  But the fact is, you set a precedent and then didn’t follow through. You weren’t consistent in your treatment protocol.

I bet that wasn’t what you intended when you gave her that nice foot massage, was it?


So, what’s the solution?

First, each treatment you provide in your salon must have a strict protocol that every therapist/technician follows.  You must deliver this protocol without exception every time.

Nothing less and nothing more.

If you wish to add a foot massage to your facials, then do so, but it must become part of your standard protocol that is delivered every time – not just when you have some extra time on your hands.

Second, if you feel you must give the client a little extra something for some reason, let her know that it’s a one-off event.  This way she can appreciate her foot massage without letting it become an expectation during future visits.

Third, reward your clients consistently.  If you want to give you client’s something a little extra because they referred a friend, then create a proper referral system that rewards your clients with the same thing every time they refer someone to you. 

If you want to give your clients a little treat because it’s their birthday, create a birthday program that goes out to every client on her birthday. 

The key is consistency and predictability.

Now, you might say, “I don’t want to be predictable”, but predictability will help you get to the top.  Let’s face it, McDonalds doesn’t produce the best hamburger in the world, but wherever in the world you order a Big Mac, you can be 100% sure of what you are going to get. 

That’s because McDonalds has built their business on consistency and predictability and millions of hamburger lovers prove that I’m right.

So next time you feel in a good mood and want to throw in a little extra for your client, think about the possible long-term consequences and instead create a better protocol.