Salon and Spa Business Performance

Are You Dying to Discount

Are You Dying to Discount

Today more than ever, many salons owners believe that the only way to grab new clients is to offer heavily discounted deals via coupon promotions. The erroneous sales pitch given to salon owners is “Don’t expect to make any profit, but look at all the new clients you will gain”. Here are the facts... Most clients that you attract via a...

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Are Your Salon Suppliers Looking After Your Best Interests?

Are Your Salon Suppliers Looking After Your Best Interests?

More than ever, as a salon owner, you are now having to compete with the internet for your retail sales. What makes this even worse, is that often your competitors are the very businesses that you are buying your products from in the first place. They obviously have an unfair advantage and I have seen, on more than one occasion, a product...

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Is It Time For Change In Your Salon?

Is It Time For Change In Your Salon?

“If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten.” A very famous quote by the even more famous Anthony Robbins. Just like the chameleon that changes colour to survive, salons also need to embrace change to stay ahead of their competition! Simply maintaining the status quo could be killing your...

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Check and Correct

Check and Correct

Do you know what percentage of the time the Apollo 11 was on course to the moon in 1969? Would you believe just 3%? But they got there in the end! You might wonder how they finally reached their destination when they were headed in the right direction only 3 % of the time. Well, the flight crew weren't spending all their time just bobbing about...

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Finding the Hidden Profits in Your Salon

Finding the Hidden Profits in Your Salon

It's challenging and exciting being a business coach. I have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of salon owners and their staff and yet I have never yet found any two businesses to be remotely similar. This is where the fun part comes in though! Getting to find where the hidden profits are in any business is literally like finding the...

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You Just Can’t Do It All!

You Just Can’t Do It All!

, No matter what your mother or your school teachers told you, you just can't do it all! The fact of the matter is that we are all different and that means generally we excel in some things and can be downright lousy at others. I have been re-learning this lesson for the past week and I don't know how I ever forgot it in the first place. You see,...

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Shotgun Marketing….Blasting Holes In Your Bank Balance

Shotgun Marketing….Blasting Holes In Your Bank Balance

What I am about to say will upset some salon owners....get ready for it......contrary to common belief, not all advertising is good advertising! When times are tough and let's face it, they are still pretty tough, it's more important than ever to make your advertising dollars work harder for you. Shotgun marketing, as the name implies, relies on...

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Are You Referring To Me?

Are You Referring To Me?

Are you great at what you do? If you know you are, do you ever wonder why you are not getting more clients who refer their friends and family to you? The answer is quite simple really. People are L.A.Z.Y.  Yes, it's true. Why should your clients bother to refer anyone to you?  They pay you well for doing what you do, so what gives you the right...

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Go Away…Leave Me Alone!

Go Away…Leave Me Alone!

This morning I was reviewing a discussion in a writing group at Linkedin that I joined a while back. As I was scrolling down the messages that various people had left, I came across one from a gentleman who had had enough. He was angry, frustrated and lashing out. Why? Because he was sick of being bombarded with useless information....too much...

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Make Retail Sales Big Business in Your Salon!

Make Retail Sales Big Business in Your Salon!

Getting staff to sell is literally a huge pain in the butt for most salon owners. If you're not one of them then you are in the lucky minority. It is possible and you can do it - but like most worthwhile things in life, you have to put in a little effort to reap a great reward. Your staff can sell more retail but they need your guidance and...

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Plan for Success in Your Salon

Plan for Success in Your Salon

I'm sure you've heard the saying 'Failure to plan is planning to fail'. The fact is blindly running your salon day by day without even a simple plan in place is a recipe for failure From my experience, salon owners are generally wonderful and caring people with loads of talent and optimism, but often they're pretty reluctant to sit down and PLAN...

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I’m the ONE

I’m the ONE

I was going through my files today and I came across this very apt short article and I thought I would share it with you. You know me. I'm the one who never complains no matter what kind of service I get. I guess I just don't think it's worth wasting my energy confronting bad service. I'm the one who goes into a restaurant and sits for 30 minutes...

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Are You Paying Too Much For Staff You Don’t Need?

Are You Paying Too Much For Staff You Don’t Need?

The beauty industry is a tough one.  No one with any industry experience will argue with that statement. As soon as the economy takes a downturn clients begin looking for ways to economise, and unfortunately, that often means trips to the spa or salon are dramatically reduced. The fact of the matter is that if you have exhausted all the other...

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How to Fatten Up Your Bank Balance with These 10 Easy Success Tips

How to Fatten Up Your Bank Balance with These 10 Easy Success Tips

Here's a statistic that I think will take the wind out of your sails. In most salons, client retention after the first visit sits at around a disastrous 25%! That means 3 out of 4 new clients don't return to your salon (that's pretty mind-bending!) after their first or possibly second visit. When I learned this, I was shocked, and...

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A Little Planning In Your Salon Goes A Very Long Way

A Little Planning In Your Salon Goes A Very Long Way

Working with salon owners can be stimulating, exciting and sometimes downright frustrating. Why do I say that? Because these wonderful, hardworking people should be achieving much greater financial returns from their businesses than they normally do. They are often the hardest workers in their salons, see the most clients, sell the most product...

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Ever since I got back from Canada, my household electrical items have all decided to go on the fritz.  I am sure it's a conspiracy. Something concocted between them while I was away as payback for leaving them to the mercy of unknown house-sitters. Well whatever the reason may be, I have had to purchase 2 new kitchen appliances already and dread...

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How the Ripple is Affecting Your Business

How the Ripple is Affecting Your Business

Did you even know about the Ripple? Chances are you haven’t given it much thought, until now. Picture what happens when you throw a stone into a calm pond. Depending on the size of the stone, you will generate a different size ripple. This is the same ripple effect that good and bad customer service has on your business. We all know that our...

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Creating Positive Change for The New Year

Creating Positive Change for The New Year

With the New Year just around the corner, many small business owners are hoping for a better year both professionally and personally. Generally when things improve on the business front that leads into a less stressful situation on the personal front, so it is very important to make sure that your business is in a position to achieve the best...

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Why Discounting Is Holding Back Your Business Growth

Why Discounting Is Holding Back Your Business Growth

Inexperienced marketers often succumb to the habit of discounting their products and services to try to entice new people into their salons. This is a recipe for disaster in the long run, especially for salon owners who generally cannot source their products or provide their services at a cheaper rate and continue to pay their bills and stay in...

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Start The Way You Mean To Finish

Start The Way You Mean To Finish

Start the way you mean to finish!  These are truly wise words both in life and in business. They were drilled into me from a very early age, and they have saved me from a lot of heartache and misery.   Where do you want to end up? Giving thought to where you would like your actions to take you is the first step in achieving a successful...

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